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                                   is a unique approach to everyday cooking that develops easy to follow and customizable recipes.  Whether meat and potatoes are your thing or your menu is mostly fruits and vegetables, we teach you to improvise on a daily basis.

Lisa Rovick and Susan Weintrob|everydayhappyfoods Founders

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Two Meals, One Prep!

everydayhappyfoods|Stiry Fry|Make two meals from one prep!

Lisa and Susan invite you to join them in the kitchen! Sign up for the Tuesday Blog for free recipes, tips and ideas in the kitchen sent directly to your mailbox. Please share our blog with your friends!  


Save time by using the same ingredients for two meals.


Susan made Egg Drop Soup and Stir Fry.

She chopped a double portion of bok choy, celery,

broccoli, snow peas, firm tofu, garlic and green onions.                                                            


Bang for the Buck

Once the soup was simmering, Susan turned to the stir                                                             fry.  Not wasted were the leaves from the bok choy nor                                                               the stems from the broccoli, both sliced thinly for the stir                                                             fry.


Trying Something New

There was a leftover sweet potato in the refrigerator and,

not missing the chance for using a leftover potato and

trying something new, Susan put it into a stir-fry for a

delicious result!


Different Taste and Look

While the ingredients were the same, and even the

seasonings were similar, the taste and look were totally

different! Soup was served first and then the stir fry. 

Great meal, half the time—two for one!

Getting ready for making stir fry and egg drop soup
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Eat, Read and Dream. Order for yourself or a favorite person!!  Inspired by my Foodie Lit columns and available on Amazon. Now we have a Gold Medal from Reader's Favorite and First Place for Chanticleer Non-Fiction.

Check out Susan's editing and content strategy services, Editing Unlimited!

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