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Weekly Dinner Menu Suggestions

Sunday: Salmon Burgers

Monday: Udon Noodle Soup

Tuesday: Egg Salad Sandwich  

Wednesday: Salad Niçoise in a Sandwich

Thursday: Fresh Summer Pizza  

Friday: Dad’s Deli Meatloaf 

Saturday: Beni’s Garden Pasta  

Pancakes for Breakfast and Dinner!

Pancakes stacked 2.jpeg

Pancakes are loved for breakfast and for dinner. Delicious and healthy with whole grains,

there are numerous toppings that you can enjoy from the tradition maple syrup to homemade jam. You can cook them up or freeze them for future meals.


This recipe is for 2 servings and, in addition,  for a bulk version. This bulk recipe of dry ingredients allows busy parents to save time by utilizing what commercial companies have done for years: creating a shelf stable mix. Store these dry ingredients for up to 6 months. Mix with the liquid ingredients to use when you are caving pancakes!


What’s your favorite topping? If you are like my grandson, you may like more than one!!

Note: The recipe is short but there are several versions, so don't let the length scare you!!

#vegetarian #breakfast  #breakfastfordinner 

Foodie Lit


Nancy McCabe’s young adult novel, Vaulting Through Time takes a teenage gymnast through time to search for her birth mother.  "I've always been obsessed with time travel, which transcends science fiction and offers ways to experience and reinterpret history, explore philosophical ideas, comment on the past, and imagine the future. I love the possibilities for humor and character development and plot twists across every genre and audience. I particularly like time travel books for young people that are grounded in real lives, though time travel happens in all sorts of ways: through magical, mysterious forces, an app, tap shoes, a diary, a rideshare vehicle. I’m less interested in imaginary worlds and more fascinated by the way time travel can shed light on our own times.” 

Nancy shows us changing fashions, food,  daily language, women’s roles—but the importance of motherhood remains, eternally, for the mother and for her child.

Homemade Pancakes


Yield 2 servings or 12 medium pancakes


Dry Ingredients

1/2 cup flour

1/2 cup whole wheat flour

1/2 cup yellow cornmeal

1/4 cup oatmeal

2 tablespoons sugar

1 tablespoon baking powder

1/4 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon cinnamon


Wet ingredients

1 egg

3/4 cup milk of choice

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 tablespoon vegetable oil or melted butter, more as needed.

  1. Mix dry ingredients together. Make a space in the center. Mix wet ingredients together. Pour into center of dry mix. Stir together until slightly smooth, but still a bit lumpy.

  2. Add 1 tablespoon oil or butter into a pre-heated skillet or griddle. Pour 2 tablespoons of the batter into the skillet, keeping pancakes separate. Small bubbles will appear on the top of the pancake when the bottom side is done. Flip carefully and continue to cook until both sides are golden. Add more oil or butter as needed.

  3. Place on a serving plate and serve with desired topping or fresh fruit.

  4. To freeze: bring pancakes to room temperature. Spread on a parchment lined pan and place in freezer for 1 hour. Place the pancakes into a freezer proof container with a tightly fitting lid or a freezer proof bag. Lasts in the freezer for up to 6 months.

Yield: Bulk version for 15 servings


5 cups flour

5 cups whole-wheat flour

1 cup yellow cornmeal

2 cups oatmeal

1 ½ cup sugar

½ cup plus 2 tablespoons baking powder

1½ tablespoons salt

3 tablespoons cinnamon

  1. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

  2. Place in a tightly covered container and store in a cool, dry place.


Yield: 2 servings with Pancake Mix


1 cup Pancake mix

1 egg

¾ cup milk of choice or water

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 tablespoon vegetable oil or melted butter


  1. Mix all ingredients together in a bowl.

  2. Add oil or butter to the the skillet or griddle. Pour 2 tablespoons of the mix into th3e skillet.

  3. To freeze: Cook only until slightly golden. Cool and wrap in between parchment or waxed paper in freezer bags or in containers suitable for freezer.


Sourdough Starter

Yield 2 servings

1 cup Pancake Mix

1 egg

1/2 cup Sour Dough starter

1 teaspoon vanilla


1. Follow directions above.

2. If mixture is a bit thick, add 1 tablespoon at a time of milk of choice.


Expandthetable suggestions

Vegan: Use a nut or seed milk. Omit egg.

Egg Free: Egg substitutes:

     Use 1/4 cup applesauce per egg.

     Use 1 teaspoon baking soda with 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar per egg.

     Use 1/4 cup mashed avocado or banana per egg

     Use 1/4 cup carbonated water per egg

     Use 1/4 cup yogurt per egg. This makes the recipe dairy.


Gluten free: Use gluten free flour and oats with a gluten free label.

Dairy free: Use a dairy free milk, such as almond, oat, soy, cashew milk. Use oil or dairy free margarine to cook pancakes.

Cut the sugar:  Substitute stevia or other sugar substitutes for sugar, using package conversion measurements

Waffles: Recipe can be used for waffles.

Cottage or Ricotta Cheese, Sour Cream or Yogurt: Omit milk and add an equal amount of these dairy products.

Additiobal fiber1 cup bran or 1 cup wheat germ to bulk version, 2 tablespoons each to 2 servings.

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