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18 Meatless Lunches and Dinner
16 Vegetarian and Vegan Lunches and Dinners

14 Lunch and Dinner Meals for Omnivores

Holiday Menus
American Holidays
Christian Holidays
Jewish Holidays

Why Create a Menu?
Sometimes it is just hard to think of what to make for your next meal. For many years, I have created weekly menus in a little notebook. These menus are great for many reasons.  For those that have a hard time making menus, read my suggested menus, pick out what you like. Click on the link and the recipe is right there for you! 

Here is why I like to create weekly menus.

1. I can easily make a shopping list from my menu, wasting less food, not making extra trips to the supermarket and making it easy to stay within my budget.
2. I am tired and cannot think of what to make!! Then I remember my menu, open up the notebook and have it right in front of me! Sometimes I do switch meals around. The good think is that I have all the ingredients and recipes!
3. I have planned for picky eaters.It is very frustrating to have a meal prepared and a member of your family does not want to eat it. We usually don't have so much time to make a new meal. Planning ahead, freezing favorite meals of this person lessen the stress and make meals a pleasant time for everyone.
4. I usally plan one very nice meal a week that may take more prep time. I build this into my day, often prepping ahead of time to lessen a huge cooking day.

Meatless Lunches and Dinners

Meatless Menus Spicy Kimchi Bowl

Vegetarian and Vegan Lunches and Dinners

Vegetarian and Vegan Menus Roasted Vegetable Quiche

Meat Recipes

Meat Menus Biftek Haché

Poultry Recipes

Poultry Menus Za'atar chicken with vegetables

Fish Recipes

Fish Menus Trout Meuniére with Asparagus

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