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Arugula Ricotta Quiche

Thank you to Jennifer Nowiciki, our guest blogger, from food blog. Jennifer is a connoisseur of tea and this quiche is a perfect accompaniment!

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A sweet and happy Rosh Hashanah, Jewish New Year, to those who are celebrating! Click on the picture for this fabulous Apple Cake for the holidays.

Foodie Lit

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Jennifer Nowicki used to have a teahouse in Milwaukee and made quiche daily. She had fun trying different and slightly unusual combinations in her quiches. 


She fine-tuned this quiche after deciding to make one with arugula—what cheese would work to create a sweet, tart, spicy and peppery flavor balanced by the mildness of the eggs and ricotta. This is a great quiche for a brunch, a special meal like a baby or bridal shower or for an Afternoon Tea.


Jennifer would recommend a Golden Assam or Breakfast Blend Tea to complete the meal! 

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Joan Fallon’s historical novel, The Only Blue Door, was so intense that I found it hard to put down. The Children’s Resettlement Program for safety sent thousands of children away from the bombings in London. Many were well cared for and happy. Yet a surprisingly large number were sent away without parental permission or knowledge to Australian orphanages that were deplorable workhouses with unhealthy, unsafe conditions and sexual, physical and emotional abuse forced on children.


I wanted to cry out, “But you're supposed to be the good guys!”


But they weren’t, they weren’t.

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Eat, Read and Dream. Order for yourself or a favorite person!!  Inspired by my Foodie Lit columns and available on Amazon. Now we have a Gold Medal from Reader's Favorite and First Place for Chanticleer Non-Fiction.

Check out Susan's editing and content strategy services, Editing Unlimited!

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